Friday 10 August 2012

Assignment 3, Prim's Voice

On my final assignment I will have to write from the point of view of a character in the novel, The Hunger Games. To accomplish this I will have to adapt the motivation; what drives that character, goals; what does the character wants and voice; what the character sound like. Using the character prospective I will be writing a three page paper.

The first part of the assignment will overlap with a major scene in the novel. The second part of the paper; I will be using my imagination to make up a new scene with that character that is relevant to the novel. I chose Katniss sister Primrose Everdeen and the scene I chose is when Effie Trinket announce her name as a contestant for the hunger games. I wanted to give her a voice because she has been sheltered by mother and sister.  The biggest challenge I foresee  is  staying focus on the purpose of the main idea.

Friday 20 July 2012

 Hairouna, I love you

Mountainous, Rocky, Steep,

Majestic, Luscious, Fertile,

Explosive, Exotic, Beautiful

are the words that describe you

Originally called Hairouna,

indigenous to the Caribs.

Welcoming to my people, fleeing from another  beauty or shipwrecked

Live together in harmony: the Garifuna

until the oppressors invaded you and your people;

For your natural resources: Rich volcanic soil.

The French and then the British,

they fought over you again:  won by the original oppressors in 1779.

Regain by the British: Treaties of Versailles (1783)

Your people up rise against the oppressors,

the up risers was forced out to an unknown beauty,

they adapted and carry on, in Roatan.

Eventually, to other nearby beauty.

None as majestic  as you,  my Hairouna.

by Arlette Benjamin

Reflection on Michael Vance Analysis of

Reflection on Michael Vance Analysis of

 "The Importance of Being Earnest"

by Oscar Wilde

     In this blog I will be discussing article by Michael Vance; Notes on Love and Marriage: Perspective from Oscar Wilde's, The Importance of Being Earnest.  A satirical view is taken on courtship, marriage and  the double life of the upper class and their views on society lower class. To understand Wilde's play we must first recognize the meaning of satire, it uses sarcasm, ridicule and attack or wit to expose people stupidity. "The Importance of Being Earnest is a cleverly woven satire which many rules, morays and hypocritical practices and ideas of days were made a mockery"(Vance). The play was written it the Victorian era in the 1800s, however, it seems like Wilde's views on society stills rings through today.

     The characters exposes how people of "high society" as hypocrites and their main focus is to continues to increase their wealth even though if it meant the life was being drained out of a them; "I hadn't been there since her poor husband's death. I never seen a woman so altered; she looks quite twenty years younger"(13). This statement summarizes Wilde's views on marriage throughout the play. Courtship and marriage between the upper class doesn't have anything to do with love and understanding of your partner but keeping the legacy and name pure for future generation.

    Vance analogy of "The importance of Being Earnest" was in my judgment right on. The upper class would like you to think that because of their status in society they are superior. Nevertheless, Wilde cleverly unmask their stupidity and made a mockery of "high society".